Advanced Diagnostics

Digital X-rays
Our clinic has a state of the art, erect postural digital x-ray unit. This allows for the most accurate diagnosis and treatment management available on the Sunshine Coast. There is no more need to be referred to the radiology clinic. All results will be discussed thouroughly with you after you recieve any x-rays. We currently have the only full spine DR xray unit on the Sunshine Coast and accept all referrals from other Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths and other health care providers. Please contact us for further details.
The QROM is very new and exciting technology. Our clinic was the first, and still one of the only clinics in the country using this technology.
This tool allows us to take a computerised motion scan of different areas of your body (eg. the neck or low back). This shows which joints are moving correctly, and more importantly, which joints are not! By combining the results of digital xrays together with the QROM allows us to to determine exactly what is the dysfunction, why and by how much. This new technology also allows us to monitor a patients progress like never before. Many of our patients comment that this technology has allowed them to:
1. To really see where their true problems lie, rather than just “what is sore”. For example, if you click here, you will see the initial scan of a patient, demonstrating significant loss in all range of motion (movement).
2. To see how much improvement they have really had, and not just what “feels better”. This also allows us to see where further improvement is required to avoid future problems. For example, click here to see the same patient as above 3 months later.
3. To make better decisions on the importance of regular maintenance or preventative based care and what interval regular checks should be done.