Absolute Health Chiropractic & Physiotherapy – Nambour Clinic
42 Howard Street
Nambour, Queensland 4560
Need to see a Nambour Chiropractor or Nambour Physiotherapist?
Our Nambour Clinic
Our Nambour Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Clinic has 6 practitioners working from a central location in Nambour. We are located on Howard Street across the Road from Chemist Warehouse.
If our Nambour Chiropractor or Physiotherapist needs to send you for advanced testing, we use the following:
Our Sunshine Coast Clinic in Mooloolaba for digital DR full spine X-rays.
Sunshine Coast Radiology – located a short stroll down the road for bulk billed x-rays and other diagnostic scans.
We perform digital range of motion (QROM) scans from our nambour and Sunshine Coast clinics.
Our Nambour Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Clinic sees patients from Nambour and Surrounding areas such as Woombye, Bli Bli, Burnside, Coes Creek, Highworth, Image Flat, Nambour West, Parklands, Rosemount, Hunchy, Montville, Maleny, Eudlo, Chevallum, Yandina, Ninderry, North Arm, Eumundi, Valdora and other surrounding Sunshine Coast areas.
**** Please arrive 10 mins early for all new patient appointments to complete your paperwork, or alternatively complete here, print out and bring along with you.
If you are looking for details on our Mooloolaba clinic, please click here.

Get in touch
For more information or to schedule an appointment with our Sunshine Coast Chiropractor or Physiotherapist, call (07) 5478 2333 today!